Monday, 6 June 2022


My favourite photo of Delia...

There have been many photos of Delia posted on this blog. But this is my favourite. It erotic with a capital E!


  1. Gene, you may not realise this, but your total inability to muster any credible negotiating tactics is becoming more evident by the hour. Hence your reliance on fictional conversations with your erstwhile drunkards' club, of the invention of totally unbelievable characters like "Mary Winterbourne" [although as a failed novelist, your iniventing of unbelievable characters comes naturally to you]. And your friend, imaginary or not as may be, is completely wrong. All I need to do is to remain intransigent and refuse to budge, and you are bound to cave in. Why delay the inevitable?

    And remember, Gene, every time you post as "Mary Winterbourne" you harden my resolve finally to end this demented nonsense with no warning. You don't seem to realise that I am actually cutting you some slack by offering you terms on which your blog can continue. If this ridiculous "Mary Winterbourne" charade extends to ONE MORE POST then I shall write to Fr Nicholas Schofield without any further notice to you. My approach will be that one of his parishioners, or at least one of prominent Catholics in his area is exhibiting symptoms of a serious pyschosis, and that it is his priestly duty to come to your aid as soon as possible. No priest could ignore such a warning or even see it as malicious, given that the evidence I shall furnish him will document the progression of your fugue.

    Gene, I am getting mightily pissed off with your puerile and intelligence-insulting attempts to delay the inevitable, and the moment will soon come when I stop attempting to give you a chance to get off the hook and simply go for your jugular.

    In the meantime I am prepared to alter NOT ONE SYLLABLE of the terms on which I am prepared to agree to a truce: once again, Gene.

    You have until Midsummer's Day to comply.

    Gene, you need to look up the word negotiation and see what it actually means - it means two people of equal standing solving a problem between them to their mutual benefit, neither of which criteria apply to us.

    We do not enjoy equal standing: thanks to the your nastiness and malice, the perverted filth and the dirty minded nonsense you have published about me and mine over the years, I am in a position to ruin your standing among the Catholic community of Uxbridge and the Westminster Diocese, and I will not hesitate to do so.

    You have no such power with regard to me, and hence you are in no position to negotiate, hence the bluster, and this nonsensical business about "Mary Winterbourne" - don't insult my intelligence.

    You wish to benefit by continuing your blog, and I am prepared to allow this if you fulfil the conditions below to the letter during a time scale to be mutually agreed - I suggest Midsummer's Day:

    [1] that all references of any kind on this blog to my wife, my son, any members of my family and myself are removed forthwith - this includes all such references made at any time in the last eleven years.

    [2] that all references to TES Opinion, my role on TES Opinion and "the clique" on this blog are removed forthwith - this includes all such references made at any time in the last eleven years.

    [3] that no references of any kind, overt or covert, to the subjects listed at [1] and [2] above are made on this blog ever again. The term "references" must include written posts or pictures - photographs, cartoons, paintings, drawing - which purport to portray my wife, my son, my family and myself.

    Finally, you will post a withdrawal of the accusation that "Myrtle Thornberry" committed suicide after being persecuted by "The Clique", and make an unconditional apology for having both made, and persisted in, that accusation.

    For my part I undertake never to post on your blog ever again unless you breach any of the conditions outlined at [1], [2] and [3] above.

    Those are my terms for a truce, and they are not negotiable.

  2. Posting this photograph was a piece of pure malice, nastiness and dirty-mindedness, Gene, designed purely to cause me pain - how DO you reconcile your professed catholicism with this kind of shit?

    Anyway, that is your lot; I have had enough. You make this world stink.

    I have written a letter to Fr Schofield, Fr Heslin and Deacon Abrahams, and I will post it first thing tomorrow.

    I have done with you, you vicious little sod.
