An open letter to Detterling as we approach the anniversary of the Duke of York showdown on 25th November.
Okay, a froidor exists between us at the moment Detters. I regret we have never actually met face to face - things might be different had we done so. Detterling you were given two opportunities to meet me. Firstly when I invited you down, sixteen years ago in the school summer holidays, to spend a day fishing with me on the Grand Union Canal at Uxbridge. I even offered a Fortnum & Mason hamper for lunch. You declined my invitation. Then, on the 25th November 2006, you were given the opportunity to meet me at the now demolished Duke of York pub at Kings Cross station in London. YOU ARRIVED LATE BY WHICH TIME I HAD GONE HOME - AFTER ACCUSING A TOTALLY INNOCENT BYSTANDER OF BEING YOU.
Nevertheless Detters the Duke of York showdown was a momentous occasion. It really was the TES Opinion Forum's finest hour. And whatever you think of me I and the lads will be raising a glass to you in the Good Yarn on next Friday night - me on Zoom.
Nevertheless Detters the Duke of York showdown was a momentous occasion. It really was the TES Opinion Forum's finest hour. And whatever you think of me I and the lads will be raising a glass to you in the Good Yarn on next Friday night - me on Zoom.
Detters I am kind and compassionate man. Witness over the years how I have consistently advised you wisely in respect of guidance re the lifestyle of your nephew, given you encouragement in the writing of your memoirs and wrote, for the most part, in a very appreciative way about Delia. Not a Christmas or Easter goes by but I send a heartfelt greeting card to you, Delia and Sebastian. And re your nephew, I have posted on here a couple of years back on how Pope Francis' nephew praises Pope Francis to high heaven for being a kind, considerate and generous uncle. Could your nephew say the same about you? Methinks not. Nevertheless, remember Detters that my offer of acting to broker a reconciliation between you and your nephew still stands.

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