(Reposted from 2016)
Detters, herewith my response to your request for me to take down my blog...
I have considered everything carefully and I have reached a decision not to take down my blog. This blog is important to me and I know it is to many. Many TESSERS and former TESSERS, for example, are regular readers. Okay, what I posted last Friday was irresponsible. I acknowledge that - but the penalty of taking down my blog is a much too severe punishment.
And Detters, consider your own record of posting on your blog, on my blog and on the TES website. Hardly a blameless record you'll be the first to admit.
I first encountered you back in the spring of 2005. Under the username of Yarooleggoyoubeast I posted the following on the TES Opinion Forum:
'...and let's not forget 1984 and the miners' strike. That was when Thatcher's paramilitary thugs machine-gunned to death hundreds of miners down the pits and dragged thousands more miners and their families off to the concentration camps.'
You posted that you thought this terrific - absolutly wonderful!
I posted back that I had no time for such arse-licking sychophancy. Things went downhill between us from there. You showed you true colours: vengeful, self-righteous and vain.
Around this time you introduced on Opinion Forum the subject of your gay nephew. Your were bombastic, arrogant and pompous. The gist of your introduction of the topic of your gay nephew was as follows:
"Hey! you lot. My nephew's a homo. Challenge me about that if you dare."
And of course if anyone quite reasonably pointed out the dangers inherent in the gay lifestyle you pursued them with pure venom.
And of course if anyone quite reasonably pointed out the dangers inherent in the gay lifestyle you pursued them with pure venom.
Things went from bad to worse and you ended up the most banned poster in the history of the TES website.
And none of us of course forget your role as Obergruppenführer of the notorious Opinion Forum Clique. What a reign of terror that was! Many suffered greviously. A good account is given in Annie Baker's book, ORDEAL The Tale of my Torment and Suffering inflicted by the Clique.
And none of us of course forget your role as Obergruppenführer of the notorious Opinion Forum Clique. What a reign of terror that was! Many suffered greviously. A good account is given in Annie Baker's book, ORDEAL The Tale of my Torment and Suffering inflicted by the Clique.

You were aided and abetted by many of your fellow pinko liberal travellers with codenames such as Lilyofthefield, Inky, Jacob, Scintillant, Florian Gassmann et al. But your principal allies in this disgraceful episode were that appalling woman from the Gorbals, Seren_dipity and that pathetic mummy's boy from Tower Hamlets, Bigkid.
You, Detterling, directed operations and the group communicated through landlines, faxes, mobile phones, telexes, texts and the personal messaging facility of the TES website. Anyone who looked as if they might be dissident to The Clique's agenda was targeted, harassed, bullied and hounded.
The final straw came when a gentleman fron West Sussex posted that his wife, an experienced teacher, had committed suicide after being bullied and harassed by the Clique for three months. At that point I took up the cudgels in earnest and routed the Clique. During this time I did warn you that your behaviour would result in you being banished to the Bottomless Pit when your days in this Vale of Tears were over.
Now I am not claiming to be blameless myself. As you have seen there are times when I revel in schadenfreude. Remember me smirking at the Church of England busy-body and driving her to the point of hysterics on the occasion of the plan for women bishops being torpedoed ? And at times I am not at my ethical best when dealing with opponents. You will remember that about eighteen months ago a snake in the grass named Anon of Northwood came on the scene and threatened to dish the dirt on me. But I stopped him in his tracks. And How! Sandra (not her real name) in the Good Yarn was terrific! "I'm passing you over to Mr Craddock now." Priceless! But Detters I would never write anything about an opponent of the level of malice that you have demonstrated here:
'Gene Vincent has, during the twelve years of which I have been aware of him, become a toxic presence in my life.
He is, simply, a loathsome human being: pretentious, unscrupulous, malicious, insincere, smarmy, swollen-headed, narcissistic, solipsistic, vain, pietistic, dirty-minded, sexually impotent, an academic cheat who earned his degree by plagiarising the scholarship of others, and unremittingly nasty.
He is an incorrigible liar, a drunkard, a blackmailer, a hypocrite, a snivelling coward, a plagiarist, and a thief.'
He is, simply, a loathsome human being: pretentious, unscrupulous, malicious, insincere, smarmy, swollen-headed, narcissistic, solipsistic, vain, pietistic, dirty-minded, sexually impotent, an academic cheat who earned his degree by plagiarising the scholarship of others, and unremittingly nasty.
He is an incorrigible liar, a drunkard, a blackmailer, a hypocrite, a snivelling coward, a plagiarist, and a thief.'
This is really malicious stuff. And totally libellous - I never cheated in my degree. In fact I was complimented for my originality in the Philosophy component of my PPE. I drew attention to similarities in the thought of Teilhard de Chardin and the philosophy of Hegel.
And did I ask for your blog to be closed down or threaten you with exposure in the media? To threaten someone with ruination of his/her reputation by exposing their identity is beneath contempt.
Detters my blog will not be closing down.

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