Detters I have come up with a great title for your memoirs... ONAN'S MUSE!

Hi Detters,
Greetings from the Good Yarn. We are here for that last meeting of the Friday Night Club for this academic year. Very noisy here earlier because of the Brazil versus Belgium match but okay now.
We have had a great time. I'm a bit merry, but now on the last Jameson... scouts honour!
I have come up with a great title for your memoirs: Onan's Muse. The lads all fell about laughing when I announced this. (We all know your memoirs will never be published but what harm in helping you indulge in this fantasy?)
What larks Detters!
By the way I greatly enjoyed my visit to Whitley Bay. More about this anon.
Cheers old bean,
My goodness! I really am firing on all cylinders these days. I have thought of another great possible title for your memoirs Detters:
Tee! Hee! Hee!
What larks Detters?
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