An open letter to Detters
[1] Produce some concrete evidence of the existence of the TES Opinion Clique - other, that is, than your demented vapourings on the subject;
[2] Tell us where we can purchase a copy of Annie Baker's book "ORDEAL! THE TALE OF MY TORMENT AND SUFFERING INFLICTED BY THE CLIQUE";
[3] Substantiate or withdraw the utterly despicable allegation that
" .....a gentleman from West Sussex posted that his wife had committed suicide after being harassed and bullied for months by The Clique."
Obviously, for the sake of the widowed gentlemen, these data could not be published en clair, and so all you will need to do is to send me a verifiable internet source. I suggest the name of the Coroner's Court where the inquest was held, and the month and year when this took place. I will do the necessary research, and Christ help you if I catch you out in a lie.
[1] Produce some concrete evidence of the existence of the TES Opinion Clique - other, that is, than your demented vapourings on the subject;
[2] Tell us where we can purchase a copy of Annie Baker's book "ORDEAL! THE TALE OF MY TORMENT AND SUFFERING INFLICTED BY THE CLIQUE";
[3] Substantiate or withdraw the utterly despicable allegation that
" .....a gentleman from West Sussex posted that his wife had committed suicide after being harassed and bullied for months by The Clique."
Obviously, for the sake of the widowed gentlemen, these data could not be published en clair, and so all you will need to do is to send me a verifiable internet source. I suggest the name of the Coroner's Court where the inquest was held, and the month and year when this took place. I will do the necessary research, and Christ help you if I catch you out in a lie.
Now let's take this step by step:
[1] Produce some concrete evidence of the existence of the TES Opinion Clique - other, that is, than your demented vapourings on the subject...
It is absurd of you to claim that The Clique did not exist. You are certainly aware of how many posters on TES Opinion Forum engaged in protracted crossfire about The Clique both at the time of it's reign and following its demise. Unfortunately the Opinion Forum was taken down about two years ago so no data is readily accessible. However, I do have some relevant posts that I have on a now disused laptop - it will take me a few days to retrieve this data but I will certainly publish it. Also check any archived posts you may have and you will no doubt come across adequate proof of The Clique's existence.
[2] Tell us where we can purchase a copy of Annie Baker's book "ORDEAL! THE TALE OF MY TORMENT AND SUFFERING INFLICTED BY THE CLIQUE";
Check Amazon or Abe Books.
[3] Substantiate or withdraw the utterly despicable allegation that
" .....a gentleman from West Sussex posted that his wife had committed suicide after being harassed and bullied for months by The Clique."
Now Detters you know that this is impossible. I never knew his name or that of his wife.
Yes, you will ruin me if the press publish all this. Although I am guilty of nothing other than playful satire. But could you live with yourself - with the guilt of involving the gutter press? This is the sort of behaviour that got you banned for life from the TES website.
My feeling is that all these threats are in retaliation for the way I silenced that snake in the grass, Mr Anon of Northwood. Whatever you think of me you must admit that I pulled off a brilliant stroke here. No press archives will ever surface.

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