I'm feeling so bad with myself. Friday night was going to be like any other Friday night in my new regime. A day's writing followed by a convivial evening with the lads in the Good Yarn at the Friday Night Club. But that's not how it turned out.
Every Lent I give up alcohol. Maybe just the one if a special occasion arises. All was going well and we talked about that legendary night of 16th December 2016. This night has, as I thought it would, fast become Uxbridge legend. Then 'Faraday' said, "I propose a toast to Uxbridge." I thought: "I can't toast Uxbridge in Diet Coke. Maybe just the one Tuborg will do no harm."
At closing time, after six Tuborgs and God knows how many vodkas, I'm totally pissed. How did this happen? I'm such a prat.
Yesterday I felt awful. I have let myself down so badly. Today I feel a little better - but so full of remorse.
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