Had lunch on Thursday in the Good Yarn with Tony of the Big Saloon, Faraday O'Brien, Johnny Bluenote and Legless Lawson.

I'm still in a daze over things. Did all this really happen? In so many ways I feel unworthy of all the wonderful tributes and accolades bestowed on me. On the other hand I say to myself: "Gene, you have given your life to teaching. Just graciously accept all these retirement compliments. People love you. It's okay to accept this."
Had lunch on Thursday in the Good Yarn with 'Tony of the Big Saloon', 'Faraday O'Brien', 'Johnny Bluenote' and 'Legless Lawson'. We talked about Friday 16th December and all agreed that it was a night that will become Uxbridge legend. One of the great nights.
I told them about my troubles with Detterling and his threatening to report me to the Daily Mail etc. They were aghast and the consensus was: "Has he no shame at all? How could he live with himself?" I assured them I wasn't really surprised. Scratch a pinko liberal and you will discover the ugliest of fascists.
Anyhow the Detterling discussion ended with us having a great laugh at him. I asked Faraday to do his Bogart impression and he was terrific:
"Of all the bars in all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world Detterling has to walk into the Good Yarn. And he's wearing, a denim jacket, lovat chinos and socks in sandals!"
We fell about.
As it happens I am working behind the scenes on a satirical piece about Detterling and it will appear shortly. And will it be great, knockabout, rip-roaring, rollicking good fun? Or will it be great, knockabout, rip-roaring, rollicking good fun? You bet it will.
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