My word! Wasn't this a great TES thread...
Opening post:

I'm sure there are so many out there who like myself have a novel in the works. Why not have a thread where we can share opinions on each other's work? Let me start the ball rolling with an excerpt from my novel, THE MAN WHO THOUGHT HE HEARD JENNY LIND SING... I would appreciate opinion. No sycophancy please!
'It's slow Saturday in mid-December. Gene looks out through the darkening conservatory and snow clouds blanket Hillingdon. Snow falling like petals from the whitethorns of spring; snow drifting in oblique sheets over the Grand Union Canal at Uxbridge where sometimes on early summer morning jogs Gene used to see the former boxer and now painter, the late Kevin Finnegan, at work at his easel. Snow. Everywhere. Snowing in finely granulated powder, in damp spongy flakes, in thin, feathery plumes, snowing from a leaden sky steadily, snowing fiercely, shaken out of grey-black clouds in white flocculent dustings, or dropping in long low lines, like white spears gliding down from the silent heavens. But always silently!'
And there's more...

THE DAILY MAIL ... 21 st MAY 2011
James Delingpole interviews the author of the novel everyone is talking about. A few months ago he was an anonymous teacher in west London. Now Gene Vincent, author of 'The Man who thought he heard Jenny Lind sing...' is a literary superstar.
It is a glorious morning in the summer half term.
An unpretentious Nissan is parked in the driveway. Gene is standing in the doorway. Mahler's Das Leid von der Erde wafts though the open front window. On the hallstand hangs a Bogart-style Burberry trench coat. I am obviously in the home of a man of innate good taste. He greets me warmly and is straight through to the kitchen where he has been busy with the coffee grinder. The strong aroma of freshly ground Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee fills the air.
Gene is dressed casually in a plain grey T-shirt, faded chinos and flip-flop sandals. His is alone at home; his wife (also a teacher) is out shopping at the new Westfield Shopping Centre at Shepherds Bush and his seventeen year-old son, Paul, is off on a soccer training course. "He should be at home revising for his AS levels" mutters Gene, "but his ambition in life is to play for Brentford FC."
With his lithe build, supple movements and shaven head Gene looks much younger than his fifty-four years.
Balls, Gene.
ReplyDeleteGive me ONE instance where I have attempted to identify you or contacted the press with the intention of doing so.
You can't because I haven't.
Any material I may have collected together about you as an individual has been placed in the public domain by you of your own free will. You have therefore de facto given permission for such material to be circulated, and that would indemnify me in any court of law.
"You should consider that in all the years of posting on the TES website you are the only poster with a reputation for trying to identify other posters or trying to harm them by contacting third parties."
Balls, Gene. Name ten posters on TES among whom I have this reputation. You can't because I haven't. Stop blustering, grow a pair and man up. If you can't tell the difference between malice and rollicking good humour in a spirit of light-hearted to and fro then that's not my fault.
Your trouble, Gene, is that you want to have your penny bun and your penny. You want to publish all this self-serving crap about yourself freely to the internet, but distance yourself from the consequences of doing so. You are a spineless wanker.
I will continue to rip the piss out of you and this blog until you close it down, unless and until you apologise without reservation for the filthy allegations that you
had sex with my wife
fathered my son
and that my nephew and I are estranged
Do this and I will leave you alone. Don't do it and volunteer for more daily and destructive ridicule. In the meantime stop being so fucking precious.
"As you know I will never try to inhibit free speech and material hostile to or critical of Gene will always be published."
ReplyDeleteYou hypocritical little creep.
And here it is!!! The first post on a new blog, "Gene Vincent, a ponce in the bewilderness".
ReplyDeleteDecember 2016
This is a new blog aimed at exposing as a fraud, liar, hypocrite and plagiarist the blogger Gene Vincent. His blog - Gene, a voice in the wilderness - has been stinking out the internet now for five years, and enough is enough. Every post on this blog will be copied from "Gene, a voice in the wilderness", and annotated to expose this appalling human being's nastiness, deceit and total incompetence as a writer. This process will begin tomorrow, Tuesday, December 27th, 2016. It will be wonderful fun, and very satisfying, finally to nail to the wall this egregiously nasty little turd and expose him for what he is.